Wednesday, December 30, 2009


As i pack and finish up things here i can't help but do some girl-guide-camp-warm-fuzzy-"write yourself a letter and we will send back to you in a years time" thinking. Someone who knows me very well has spent much of the last 6 months suggesting that i both over think and find it very difficult to do so on my own (most of my over thinking gets run by a faithful committee of listeners). I'm certainly not suggesting there is anything wrong with wisdom and advice but it has been kind of cool over the last 3 weeks of my trip, facing disappointment and challenges, as well as witnessing Gods grace and infinitely great plan and processing these things on my own. There have been prayers answered and changes of heart that i could never have manufactured or designed in enough clarity to even ask for.

Here's to a year of being less burdensome to others and getting things in order for the future, that i might enjoy his plans and sing his praises.

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