Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This afternoon i was debating with myself the validity of me re-starting "The Black Crow". There are two reasons i have decided to give it another go. 1, The regularity of these "self-on-self" debates makes me think it might be a good idea and 2, Cathy tagged me in a post and the power of the tag and grabbed me by the hand and gently tugged me back into the blogging arena. As far as i know i have no followers and nothing overly relevant to say but lets see how much of that we can change aye?

I was tagged to write a list of 10 things that make me happy...(here we go, in no particular order)

1. Productivity - seeing progress in both necessary and unnecessary projects and tasks.

2. Weddings - Attending them, looking at them, planning them. Included in this is my morning ritual of Ruffled, Once Wed, Green Wedding Shoes, La Belle Bride and Style Me Pretty

3. Being Helpful - Spotting things people won't ask you to do but would love it if you did. Even better is when you can spot what will make sometimes situation 100 times better even though they couldn't spot it themselves. i'm not overly good at it, but i enjoy it when my mind kicks into gear that way

4. Josh Posh M'gosh - When he leads, plays with kids, speaks the "truth in love", apologises, when he asks me to marry him (you would think this just happened once...oh no, all the time!), when he tells me he has stolen my nose and wont give it back till i say the magic word.

5. Floral - dresses, carpets, tea cups, napkins, ribbons, papers

6. B and Mumma G - they are the most interesting and crazily lovable family. Their integrity astounds me and their humour warms me.

7. The Heated Blanket - I'm cold always, it's hot always. Brilliant.

8. Photographs - It is hard to be specific here as there are obviously some that would not make it on my happiness list but i mean the type that make you melt a little inside or make the hairs on your arms stand upright. Photo's that capture everyday life in a way that allows us to view it in different light

9.P.W.K.M.A.B.T.M.A.W.H.M.U - That's an acronym for "People who know more about the bible then me and are willing to help me understand". Gods truth is so big and so perfect. Jesus is faultless and i manage to produce new ways of spitting in my creators face every day. I know he uses his people (along with his spirit) to make me more like him.

10. Spell Check - you will come to learn i am an atrocious speller and editor. I spell things incorrectly (i am overwhelmingly phonetic), leave words out, put words in the wrong places and meddle with grammar. Sorry in advance.


  1. i do enjoy reading your blog! lol and i know what you mean about the guys asking to marry us more then once lol Ben does it all the time (an i too am bad at spelling lol) love from nykiter

  2. Your happy post made me happy too Tairey!
