Friday, November 27, 2009

"Happy Thanksgiving!"

Number of degrees today: 2
Number of runners i saw today: Approximately 11,000
Number of time someone yelled "Happy Thanksgiving!": innumerable

Today is thanksgiving which, here in Indy, is celebrated by the annual "Drumstick Turkey Dash". The 4.5 mile running course winds through scenic Broad Ripple, hosting the footsteps of freezing patriots, raising money for the local Wheeler Mission. After a thanks giving prayer from the mayor we began the course, whilst not so committed to speed as some present, i was proud of my mere participation...i mean come on now, running after a man dressed up as a drumstick at 8:30am while every cell on my body longed to be tucked into my warm bed where the likelihood of freezing to death was somewhat less considerable?

This being said it was rather enjoyable and it was pretty exciting to be part of something you know? Continuously we commented on Australia's inability to gather 11,000 for anything that doesn't involve sitting down alot and having a few. While i would never give up the laid back nature of the homeland, kudos to the U.S of A for for their cheerful festivities.

After a four episode marathon of some fairly American wedding planning show, thanks giving dinner was served . We had turkey, green bean casserole, sweet pumpkin pie with marshmallows, bread, mashed potato and a choice of three different pies for dessert. I have never understood fullness like i do now.

hmmmm, thankful. i believe thankfulness is something i take far too lightly. It would make sense, would it not, for my level of thankfulness to match that of my blessings and "fortune"? This not being the case is yet another example of my sin. Throughout Colossians, Paul describes what it means to "live in him [Jesus Christ]" (2:6). I feel as though we are prone to focus more on "strengthening our faith" rather then "overflowing in thankfulness" (2:7). i can see some list making on this issue in the future.

Jet lag is proving to be a bit of a pain, i basically just don't sleep...ever...This last photo is one result of such tiredness.


  1. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Food!

    Sounds like good times!

    AAAANNDDD i likes the photos! Makes it ALLLLLL the more interestingly interesting!

  2. Correction re: Australians to get together for stuff... City to Surf is the world's biggest fun run, or something.

    Hope you're having fun!
